Welcome to Soft Matter and Microswimmers (S2M) group


We are a soft and active matter group based in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH). Presently, we are interested in addressing physical problems at the interface of low Reynolds number fluid mechanics and capillarity (think about problems involving microfluidics and effects of surface tension). Specifically, we are interested in problems related to the hydrodynamics of self-propelled microswimmers, like self-propelled active droplets (these are micron-sized droplets which swim autonomously) in confinements. All these problems involve applications of fundamental understanding of fluid mechanics, interfacial phenomena, transport processes, and often, solid mechanics (because many of the problems that we love to work on involve liquid-(soft) solid interaction).


We approach the problems first using experimental techniques, like lithography, particle
image velocimetry (PIV), microscopy (bright field, fluorescence, confocal), high-speed
imaging, and goniometry. We then try to substantiate our experimental observations using
theoretical (analytical/semi-analytical) models and/or scaling analysis.


We aim to grow as a curiosity-driven, highly interdisciplinary group. Our research can help to understand the fluid mechanical aspects of many biological systems/phenomena, e.g. swimming of microorganisms in complex environment. Our research has potential biomedical applications, e.g. in targeted drug delivery. We aim to exploit the self-propelling active droplets for micro-robotic applications. To these ends, we are always open to exciting new collaborations.


  • 1 PhD position in the group are open. Please click the ‘Join’  tab for details.
  • A research work done in collaboration with Dr. Sumesh Thampi’s group at IIT Madras has been published in Physical Review Fluids
  • Ranabir gave an invited talk in the Department of Physics at IIT Gandhinagar.
  • A research work done by Atul S. Vivek, an external PhD candidate  jointly supervised by Dr. Harish N. Dixit , has been selected as Editors’ Suggestion in Physical Review Fluids (PRF): https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/highlights
  • Ranabir was awarded the Young Scientist Speaker Award at the workshop on Interfacial Engineering at Multiple Spatio-temporal Scales held at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, from 29th – 31st January 2024.